Heather Hardison
21 Oct

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This blog post goes along with Healing Thru Tarot Podcast Ep. 57: Ep. 57 Tarot’s Hidden Value as a Therapeutic Tool + Reframing a Challenge Spread. In this blog, I’ll discuss tarot’s hidden value as a therapeutic and psychological tool for self-reflection, gaining insight, and shadow work. And I’ll share a few spreads and tarot techniques to help track your progress with mental health struggles and when navigating challenging times in your life.  

Self-reflection and shadow work have long been practices and therapeutic techniques used in psychology to work through psychological distress for individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, and mood disorders. Often therapists prescribe assignments like journaling, drawing, role-playing difficult conversations, and even writing unsent letters to bring these repressed emotions up from the subconscious to allow them to be processed and released.  

Rider Waite Smith Tarot Image Above

The tarot is a tool that accomplishes all these goals and sometimes accomplishes them all in one spread, if you can believe it. Working with the tarot is like having a personal therapist to rummage through your subconscious to find the memory, limiting belief, or irrational fear that’s wreaking havoc in your life. Although, tarot readings are not meant to be a substitute for therapy. Psychotherapy is a very important process if you’re dealing with a psychological or emotional issue that needs exploring. Tarot work simply offers you another supportive tool to help you access your subconscious to connect to emotions under the surface that you might not be aware of. And you can work with this tool in addition to therapy just like you would a journaling practice. Some therapists are even discovering the usefulness tarot offers and finding creative ways to incorporate it into therapy sessions to dig deeper into issues that have been a struggle to access before.

When I first started working with the tarot, I was astounded at how effective this 78-card system was at identifying the root cause of issues that had lingered for me for decades. With a shuffle and a few intentional card pulls, I was suddenly staring at the root cause of the issue plaguing me and the reason why so many other interventions had failed. There simply is no hiding with the tarot! Bypassing the logical mind and dropping down into the subconscious, reveals hidden truths in mere seconds. And it gives answers to problems that are the most resistant to change, offering us a chance to correct course with this new information.

Our inner critic lies to us to keep us off the scent of the underpinnings of the psychological symptoms from which we suffer. Much of my work as a therapist is to recognize when someone’s inner critic is bombarding them with negative self-talk and stirring up self-destructive behaviors that often sends them into therapy in the first place.

What I love about the tarot is that it’s a complex, intricate tool that can cut through all the smoke and mirrors to get to the heart of the matter quickly. This is so effective because it allows us to accurately address the root cause that’s holding that unhealthy pattern in place. Only then can we attempt to clean the wound, treat it, and start the healing process. And if the critic is involved, we can expose that inner critic in just a spread or two and learn how to tame it for good.

After uncovering the root cause of the injury or wound, the tarot provides additional guidance and support by identifying ways to navigate the path ahead. This card system consists of universal archetypes in the major arcana and a range of human emotions and experiences in the minor arcana, offering guidance on all levels. It’s a therapeutic tool that busts through self-sabotaging behaviors, negative thought patterns, misconceptions about self and others, self-limiting beliefs, and underlying fears keeping us rooted in stagnation.

The tarot has been underutilized for centuries in my opinion and is just now starting to come into the awareness of self-healers across the planet. People are flocking to tarot workshops, classes, and even YouTube to learn how to read the tarot for themselves so they can finally address deep-seated issues that have previously felt unreachable. I see so many ways we can apply the cards to our healing journeys as I’ve shown you through this podcast over the past several years. And I’m discovering new ways to apply the cards every day.

Let’s look at an example of one of my favorite three card spreads for self-reflection (Obstacle/Advice/Outcome).

For this example, I’ve pulled the Devil as the obstacle, the 8 of Swords as the advice, and the Ace of Swords as the outcome if I take that advice. The Devil card represents fear and illusion and can often represent our inner critic which regularly sabotages our goals. So, we’re standing in our own way here as our obstacle. The Eight of Swords as the advice card shows that the blocks are created by self-restriction and can be tackled by taking the blindfold off and freeing ourselves of these constraints. And the Ace of Swords as the outcome shows that if we’re able to free ourselves of these self-limiting beliefs and fears that it’s possible to gain a new perspective and a new way of thinking. 

As you can see, the tarot has a way of drilling down quickly to the heart of the matter to offer you guidance on how to improve your current situation. Utilizing this tool regularly can help unlock a whole new set of coping skills and resources for tackling any stressful events that crop up throughout your life. It’s a powerful therapeutic tool to have in your toolbox. 

Using Tarot for Shadow work 

Shadow work is the perfect area for the tarot to weave its magic and illuminate those deep dark truths that we want to deny and keep hidden in the murky waters of the subconscious. Facing your inner shadow can be daunting and scary, but necessary to heal our deepest and earliest wounds. 

I noticed during the pandemic, especially during lockdown periods, that some people turned inward to work on self-healing through this type of inner work. Taking that plunge into shadow work to dig under the surface to face those inner demons, allowed them to emerge lighter and freer. And there’s now a growing shift toward inner work that doesn’t appear to be temporary. Millions of people around the world are waking up and are hungry to learn how to heal deep wounds that have plagued them for decades. If these trends continue, we could see large groups of people shifting the way they view and treat their mental health.

Psychology, which is the study of the mind, has largely focused on how the mind works and the behaviors and thoughts that govern human behavior. But there’s another piece to human behaviorism that plays a role in how humans function – the soul. 

The spiritual component of human nature is likely to start gaining more attention in the field of psychology going forward with an increasing number of individuals experiencing spiritual awakenings. And the popularity of the tarot will most likely increase as this shift starts to unfold in mental health. And I want to note that spirituality is very different from religion. In fact, many people are turning away from organized religion and adopting a more open-minded view of the world and adopting a more spiritual perspective. 

If you feel like you’re going through a spiritual awakening, make sure to check out Healing Thru Tarot Podcast Ep. 45 titled Navigating the Dark Night of the Soul where I explore spiritual awakenings and existential depression that often accompanies these awakenings. In that episode, I explore how to navigate the dark night of the soul. That’s a deep episode and very helpful if you’re needing a way to find light in the darkness.

As a clinical psychologist, I can see the immense value that a tool like the tarot can provide when it comes to psychological breakthroughs and spiritual awakenings. It could be very beneficial if therapists were open to explore what the tarot has to offer and experiment with ways to incorporate it into healing modalities to broaden the application of the tarot. My own personal journey with the tarot has been incredibly healing and eye-opening. And by sharing my journey through this podcast and my fictional book series, The Divining Sisters, I’ve discovered that there’s a hungry audience waiting to experience the magic the tarot can provide. 

There’s a common misbelief that you have to be psychically inclined to read the tarot. But anyone can read the tarot, if they approach it with an open mind and a desire to learn from the sacred wisdom that the cards impart. Just by working with the tarot, you’ll be changed. You don’t even have to master all the card meanings or techniques to benefit. Daily one to three card pulls for self-reflection and journaling would be enough to help you process what’s going on under the surface in the subconscious mind.

Daily work with the tarot, even in this simple way, can lead to profound change by broadening awareness of your thought patterns, beliefs, desires, hidden emotions, and motivations that are the driving forces behind your behaviors and decisions. 

Once you shine light on the motivating factors behind what you do on a daily basis, then you can make informed decisions regarding any changes you would like to implement in your life. Living a more conscious life can help to alleviate victim mentality, depression, anxiety, or lack of fulfillment in life.

The tarot is like a mirror, reflecting our inner thoughts, the energies surrounding us, and even unconscious thoughts we weren’t aware were impacting us. Tarot readings help us to see ourselves through a new lens, and sometimes that’s hard to do. It can be unsettling to take a long hard look at ourselves, but that’s what therapy involves as well. Often the reward is well worth the effort you put into this type of self-analysis. Much like a gratitude journal can help you see the blessings in your life with fresh eyes, the tarot can help shift your perspective on what you are actually in control of in your life.

So, if I’ve been going through a particular rough spot and wondering what led to this point, I pull a few cards on the events of the past few months to help work out the energies at play to better understand what I’m up against. And if I’m feeling anxious or worried about the road ahead, I’ll pull a spread to get a glimpse of the upcoming 3, 6 or 9 months ahead.

These types of readings are a snapshot of the lessons to come and help me prepare for upcoming challenges and roadblocks that I’ll need to navigate. In those readings, I’ll pull one tarot card for each month to capture the main energy and theme of that particular month to show me what to expect. This is similar to a year ahead spread that I pull each year. And once I’ve got a full spread in front of me, I look for patterns to emerge.

If I pull multiple major arcana cards, I know there are significant life lessons occurring, meaning karma could be at play. Major arcana cards also send a message that these energies are going to play out whether I try to avoid them or not. There’s a level of fate here and try as I might I won’t be able to avoid those pitfalls. And those are lessons I might be grateful for later, especially if they’re teaching me something I’ll need to build on, such as a new path or new phase in my life. It's important to note that not all this energy is set in stone. Some events are fated, while other events can be changed due to the free will of all involved. If most of your cards are minor arcana, there’s a good chance that you could take action to prevent it, changing the course for yourself.

Aces from The Dark Mansion Tarot

Also, look for patterns in the numbers. If you have several aces, you may have new cycles starting in several life areas. Beginnings can be difficult and cause tremendous stress because change is something most of us fight. If you notice several nines or tens, then you may be closing chapters in your life and wrapping things up that were part of a ten-year cycle. That could be where the stress originates from. Endings can feel sudden at times and signal change that we may feel we aren’t ready for. But change is inevitable and we wouldn’t be shifting life phases if we hadn’t mastered what we needed to. 

I also look at which suits are the most prevalent and which suits are missing. This helps me understand the themes of the challenges I’m facing. If there are pentacles it could be health or work related, the cups could mean it’s related to relationships or emotions, swords are thoughts or mental challenges and even worries, and wands could be spiritual or creative pursuits. 

Look at which court cards came up in your spread. Are they mostly pages, knights, queens, or kings? Pages would signify beginnings, especially if you pulled an ace or two. Knights could symbolize action and movement, which could help you work through the stress you’re feeling at the moment. Queens could show which areas you’ll be nurturing during this time period. And kings could show that you’re mastering skills needed at this time. And they could reveal the areas where you’re being called to lead. Sometimes the absence of certain court cards or suits is very telling as well.

The Tower (The Dark Mansion Tarot)

Look for cards representing struggles, challenges, and obstacles such as the Tower, The Devil, Death, 7 of Swords, 10 of swords, 10 of wands, 3 of Swords, or any of the 5’s in the tarot suits. All the fives represent conflict, change, and strife. These cards listed above are warning you of potential illness, deception, delusion, burnout, betrayals, or an unexpected crisis. Use this information to your advantage. Be proactive and make a plan on how to deal with that Tower card or emotionally prepare for the heartbreak of the Three of Swords. Forewarned is forearmed. Tarot is a tool that can be used to make informed decisions in situations where you could be facing adversity. Use the cards to gain more insight into the circumstances surrounding these energies. And journal on how the themes of these cards are playing out and how you’re processing these lessons as you work through them. 

By identifying the challenges you’re facing, you’re already a step ahead. This helps you prepare for what’s coming or to understand what you may already be battling. Then you can plan a strategic approach that will set you up for success. I find that it lessens my anxiety to get a glimpse around the corner of things to come. This is just one more way the tarot helps to empower you during these chaotic times that we find ourselves in.

The tarot is like a life map that helps you orient where you came from, where you are now, and what the next step is on your path. If you use this tool to its fullest potential, then you can smoothly navigate your way through this journey. 

It won’t be easy, but you’ve got a map to guide you on your way versus trying to proceed in the darkness alone. And even after you’re through your rough patch, you can pull another spread and compare the cards to see how much progress you’ve made as you’ve worked through those challenging times. This helps to build resilience, confidence in your ability to weather hard times, and belief that you’ll make it through anything that life throws at you. And I often find that it’s a validating experience to pull cards that reflect what I thought might be going on. It helps me trust my intuition when the cards mirror the experience I’m having. 

The tarot shows us that we aren’t in this alone. The cards reflect a universe that’s reaching out to us to let us know that we’re never lost, even if it feels that way. Whenever I’m feeling lost and reflecting on the cards I’ve pulled, it usually just takes a few cards before I start to notice the threads of fate that connect us all to each other, to our other lifetimes, and to a larger plan and life purpose. It helps me feel connected to something larger than myself.

And if you aren’t sure what your life purpose is check out Healing Thru Tarot Podcast Ep. 52 titled Aligning with Your Life Purpose + Lightworker decks + Life Path Spread where I talk about identifying your purpose and aligning with your life plan. It will help you if you’re feeling lost or directionless. Spreads like the life path alignment spread, lightwork path guidance spread, conquering obstacles on my path spread, advice from my future self-spread and karmic healing path spread will help you position yourself to step into your full power and achieve the purpose you incarnated to fulfill. Plus many more spreads offering guidance and advice to get on path and stay on track. $12 Click here to purchase any of these spread ebooks

Using the cards helps me realize that the universe does see me and is co-creating with me even when I can’t see all the threads that are being woven together. The tarot is an incredibly empowering tool as it teaches you how to tap into your inner wisdom, intuitiveness, and inner strength. Adding tarot to your self-care routine is a game changer. And like I said before, tarot readings are not meant to be a substitute for therapy. Tarot work simply adds an extra dose of support and guidance to deepen your work with a mental health professional. Like journaling, readings are therapeutic because they help you connect to thoughts and feelings that may be hidden under the surface. You’re giving your subconscious an outlet to bring to your awareness things that you haven’t fully looked at that may be contributing to patterns in your life.

If you want to dive deep into the subconscious mind to help free yourself from the bondage of limiting fears and the remnants of past wounds, this is the therapeutic tool I would highly recommend.

Reframing A Challenge Spread

Here's the 9 card spread I created to help us face and overcome challenges. If you throw this spread for yourself, I’d love to see the photo of your spread. Please tag me on Instagram @healingthrutarot and please use the #httreframingachallengespread 

Time to order the 2025 Writual Tarot Planner

And it’s that time of year when we need to order another tarot journal. I always order a new Writual Tarot Planner around this time. If you want one before the new year, remember you can use my writual discount code at checkout.  Use my Writual ambassador link here to generate a unique discount code just for you, which gets you 15% off ALL your Writual purchases when you check out. Order your 2025 Writual Tarot Planner today – already available for shipping.

Writual has tarot stamps and stickers, dated and undated tarot journals and planners, including one for kids, tarot decks and tarot-themed mugs, candles, and jewelry so check them out using my link!

Listen to Healing Thru Tarot Podcast Ep. 57: Tarot’s Hidden Value as a Therapeutic Tool + Reframing a Challenge Spread here

My Novels

Check out The Divining Sisters Series here.

If you're looking for a good witchy book check out my fictional divination book series, The Divining Sisters. Start with book 1 in the series, The Call of the Cards, and then catch up on the rest of the series: book 2: We Divine Three book 3: The Threads of Fate, and book 4: The Unbinding that just released in June 2024.

They're available as eBooks and paperbacks on Amazon. And the eBooks are also on Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, Google Play, Kobo, Scribd, Smash words, and more. The eBooks are just $4.99. Find out more details on my novels on my author website author.heatherhardison.com - where I post updates on book releases, video book trailers, book blurbs and quotes, as well as fun things like my Spotify playlists for each book. I carefully curate those to express the energy of each book.

This series follows a group of women (witches, healers, diviners) who reincarnate lifetime after lifetime and reunite with their coven so they can fulfill a mission of keeping their craft of divination, healing, and magic alive for future generations. 

Book Blurb for Book 1: The Call of the Cards 

Alexandra Steele, a clinical psychologist, stumbles upon a mystical store in downtown, Memphis, TN, where she encounters tarot cards for the first time. She doesn't realize it at the time, but this simple encounter will leave her life forever changed as she uncovers a world of past life connections to the cards and the craft of divination. This sparks an awakening that opens door after door of a long line of mystic and witch incarnations that run throughout her history. As she reconnects to these deep mystical ties, she begins to learn about her destiny, which is revealed as she starts to encounter coven sisters and foes from previous incarnations. Will her tendency to hide in the shadows and play small continue to hold her back or will the call of the cards lure her onto her destined path of a life full of magic and sisterhood?

Readers are raving about the series like these 5 star amazon reviews of The Call of the Cards and We Divine Three:

"Absolutely Unique! Resonated so much!" 

"Life-changing. I felt seen. I don't think I've had this experience with any other book."

“The metaphysical series I've been waiting for! I was hooked from the beginning and even found myself slowing down because I want it to last. The characters are so relatable and genuine, and the explanations of tarot readings and past life stories is spot on! I'm eagerly awaiting the next ones. Please please, Heather, keep writing.” 

Readers call it "Harry Potter for adults."

If you get a copy, please leave a book review on whatever platform you buy it on if you enjoy it. That really helps me out and can help get my book in front of more readers. And if you love it please also review it on goodreads.

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll see updates on the book releases there. I have 2 instagram accounts My tarot and podcast account - healingthrutarot My author account heatherhardisonauthor

Watch the book trailer for The Divining Sisters Series

Healing Thru Tarot's Spread Ebook Line

A Spread for All Seasons - 17 custom spreads

Healing and Mental Health Spreads Vol. 1 - 15 custom healing spreads

Healing and Mental Health Spreads Vol. 2- 15 9-card healing spreads

Shadow Work Spreads and Workbook - 20 shadow work spreads

Healing Thru Tarot’s Life Path and Life Purpose - 15 custom life path spreads 

Click here to purchase any of these spread ebooks

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Much appreciated!


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