Heather Hardison
23 Jul

Rockpool Publishing sent over the brand new Palmistry Flashcards deck by Anna Comerford for me to review and share with you. I’ve been wanting to learn more about palmistry for years, and these flashcards make it so easy to pick up the artistry of palm reading. I love the fact that this flashcard format helps to teach us palmistry in small, digestible nuggets, which makes it much easier to absorb this information versus reading a chunky book on the subject. 

The deck even comes with a cord to help link the flashcards all together so you can easily carry them with you and flip through the cards quickly and easily as you study these tips and techniques. I pick a card each day and then study my palm to learn more about this art and myself through my own lines etched like a map of things to come. 

Each card shows an image on the front of the card (blue side) with a line or symbol highlighted to focus on. And the back of the card (white side) presents the description of the marking on the palm to explore for the day. This format only takes a minute or two to absorb. These small chunks are just enough for us to fit in a lesson each day. You could even fit in a few a day if you have time.

This deck includes 50 cards created by Anna Comerford who is a palmistry expert. If you are new to palmistry this is the perfect way to get started. I know it’s helping me to explore this ancient form of divination that I find so intriguing.

The cards show us that every line and mark on our palms are part of our essence. Who we are is imprinted on our palm as a map of our fate, our talents and events we will encounter throughout our lives. The cards include heart and head lines, thumb length, finger shapes, fate lines, and of course life lines. 

The dominant hand (the one you write with) shows your present and future and what you are learning and establishing in this lifetime. The non-dominant hand symbolizes the past and your ancestors as well as your talents and potential.

Your heart line represents your emotions and how you interact with others and respond. I have a fairly straight heart line showing I’m emotionally reserved and can keep things under control when needed versus showing my emotions on the outside. And my head line that curves downward shows I’m a creative and innovative personality, which fits my Aquarius ascendant. I think that’s what makes me inventive and forward thinking. 

Did you know psychic crosses on your palms between the head and heart lines will indicate psychic abilities? Apparently, I have a few psychic crosses on the angel path between the head and heart lines indicating great spiritual and psychic abilities.

And the line of intuition symbolizes an intuitive person with empathic and healing abilities. Find out if you have any of these markings. I find it so fun to hunt for each of these markings and to check with my friends and family to see if they have these as well. Who doesn’t love to learn more about themselves, their personality and fate through these kinds of techniques? 

Under my little finger on the Mercury mount I have medical stigmata (a small patch for 4-5 vertical lines) which are seen in those who are healers and counselors. This appears on 20-30 percent of the population, so if you are a healer or fellow psychologist/counselor check for those marks under your pinky finger. This also goes along with the ring of Solomon under my index finger revealing a nurturing, humanitarian nature with psychic perceptiveness also found on the hands of psychics, mystics, healers, nurses, and counselors.

Image by Pikisuperstar on Freepik here

And another thing I learned through these flashcards is that my conical rounded fingertips show I’m someone who enjoys beauty and serenity (so true)! My peace is SO important to me. 

If you have a long life line like I do it shows you are resilient and have stamina to persevere – isn’t that the truth. After all the health issues I’ve had I definitely feel that is the case.

The Jupiter finger (index finger) signifies ambition, enthusiasm, and purpose. And the fact that my Jupiter finger is longer than my sun finger (ring finger) says that I embody that energy more. Purpose is definitely one of my driving forces in life – the largest one I’d say. And being a life path 4 Capricorn means ambition is pretty much a guarantee!

I have a broken health line which denotes health concerns I can correct. It is faint which could mean my health is improving (fingers crossed – pun intended).

Did you know that even thumb length can say something about you? Who knew? I have a long thumb, meaning the tip of my thumb crosses the halfway point of my index finger. Those with long thumbs are strong, independent personalities (you don’t say). 

When I did the thumb cross exercise (shaking my hands then clasping them together) my left thumb was on top, which says I’m right brain dominant and am imaginative and intuitive. I’ve thought for the past several years that I’ve switched from left brain to right brained because I used to be way more analytical and logical until about 2017 when my spiritual awakening occurred and that’s when I drifted more toward creative endeavors. That’s interesting. Cause I’ve always thought I was left brained until my early 40s. Is it possible to switch? It sure feels like I did.

Well, I had so much fun flipping through these flashcards and examining the lines on my palms. If you care to learn more about yourself, give these cards a look! And at $19.95 they're a steal. These cute, palm-sized cards are DEFINITELY going on my divination stocking stuffer list for 2024! They're a perfect fit for stockings and an affordable gift for any age. 

Purchase here

Thanks to Rockpool Publishing for sending this deck! You can order this deck here on Amazon - coming August 6th!

About the creator

Learn more about the creator at www.annacomerford.com – she is a palmistry expert and psychic medium from India. She’s read the palms of clients from all over the world, and she sharing her knowledge and experience with us one card at a time. 

FTC Disclosure: In accordance with Title 16 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 255, “Guides Concerning Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising,” I received the Palmistry Flashcards from Rockpool Publishing for prospective review. Everything I’ve said here is sincere and accurately reflects my opinion of this deck.

My Novels

Check out The Divining Sisters Series here.

If you're looking for a good witchy book check out my fictional divination book series, The Divining Sisters. Start with book 1 in the series, The Call of the Cards, and then catch up on the rest of the series: book 2, We Divine Three book 3, The Threads of Fate, and book 4, The UnbindingThey're available as eBooks and paperbacks on Amazon. And the eBooks are also on Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, Google Play, Kobo, Scribd, Smash words, and more. The eBooks are just $4.99. Find out more details on my novels on my author website author.heatherhardison.com - where I post updates on book releases, video book trailers, book blurbs and quotes, as well as fun things like my Spotify playlists for each book. I carefully curate those to express the energy of each book. 

This series follows a group of women (witches, healers, diviners) who reincarnate lifetime after lifetime and reunite with their coven so they can fulfill a mission of keeping their craft of divination, healing, and magic alive for future generations. 

Book Blurb for Book 1: The Call of the Cards 

Alexandra Steele, a clinical psychologist, stumbles upon a mystical store in downtown, Memphis, TN, where she encounters tarot cards for the first time. She doesn't realize it at the time, but this simple encounter will leave her life forever changed as she uncovers a world of past life connections to the cards and the craft of divination. This sparks an awakening that opens door after door of a long line of mystic and witch incarnations that run throughout her history. As she reconnects to these deep mystical ties, she begins to learn about her destiny, which is revealed as she starts to encounter coven sisters and foes from previous incarnations. Will her tendency to hide in the shadows and play small continue to hold her back or will the call of the cards lure her onto her destined path of a life full of magic and sisterhood?

Readers are raving about the series like these 5 star amazon and google play reviews 

"Absolutely Unique! Resonated so much!" 

"Life-changing. I felt seen. I don't think I've had this experience with any other book."

“The metaphysical series I've been waiting for! I was hooked from the beginning and even found myself slowing down because I want it to last. The characters are so relatable and genuine, and the explanations of tarot readings and past life stories is spot on! I'm eagerly awaiting the next ones. Please please, Heather, keep writing.” 

Readers call it "Harry Potter for adults."

If you get a copy, please leave a book review on whatever platform you buy it on if you enjoy it. That really helps me out and can help get my book in front of more readers. And if you love it please also review it on goodreads.If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll see updates on the book releases there. I have 2 instagram accounts My tarot and podcast account - healingthrutarot My author account heatherhardisonauthor

Watch The Divining Sisters Series Book Trailer Here