Heather Hardison
09 Jan

I’ve made no secret that The Light Seers Tarot by Chris-Anne Donnelly has been my favorite tarot deck from the first moment I saw it on YouTube back in 2018 when it was first announced, and almost 7 years later it’s still the deck I reach for the most. I don’t foresee any other deck being able to dethrone it. It’s my soul deck for sure. 

I was delighted when I saw that Chris-Anne released an expansion of the Light Seers Tarot Guidebook (published by Hay House), which was already one of the most insightful, creative guidebooks I’ve ever worked with. Well, she’s gone way beyond with this GOREGOUS rendition with full-sized brightly colored images of each of the cards with more in-depth messages to peak behind the creation process to understand exactly what she envisioned for each image and what she wanted to convey with her artistic expression. She also includes prompts with each card description to help us ask more questions about the themes covered in each card to deepen our card pulls. This greatly adds to the experience of reading with Chris-Anne's greatest creation - The Light Seers Tarot.

Her expanded book offers spreads to use with her vibrant and inspiring deck including: the Light and Shadow Spread, Light of the Day Draw, Soul Joy Spread, Lightworker Activation Spread, Shadow Illumination Spread, The Ancestral Healing Spread, The Calling in Love Spread, The Anxious Loops Spread, Healing The Body and Mind Spread, and Epic Mission and Badass Dreams Spread as well as spreads for each of the 22 major arcana cards. 

Tons of spreads here for all you eager cardslingers!

This new and improved Light Seers guidebook offers a positive and optimistic look at the Light Seers journey—one of light work, healing, leading a purpose-driven life, and confronting shadows along the path in order to heal from past wounds that would otherwise hold the light seer back from fulfilling their life purpose. I can definitely say that this deck has been essential to my own healing journey and is most certainly one of the reasons I fell head over heels in love with the practice of reading tarot. Some of my most healing and powerful tarot readings have been with Chris-Anne’s stunning cards. And I use her card images to teach tarot to each person who has a reading with me, especially my in-depth year ahead readings. 

As a lightworker, I really resonate with the energy and vibes of this deck. The term "Light Seer" basically encompasses the journey of lightworkers, starseeds, and healers.

And the Light Seers Tarot is not just my favorite. It has sold nearly 250,000 copies since late 2019! It’s one of the most popular modern versions of the tarot. There’s a reason this is the deck I recommend above all others.

Chris-Anne asks, “Are you ready to travel the sunshine and shadow path of the Light Seer?”

This expanded guidebook offers in-depth interpretations for each card, including upright and reversal meanings and keywords for each card. She calls the upright meanings the Light Seer keywords and the reversed meanings the Shadow Seer keywords. She even offers us a look at the inspiration for the artwork as she was creating it. She provides an image of the traditional Rider Waite Smith Tarot artwork as well for comparison at the back of the book to show where she deviated from the original and the symbolism hidden within her modern adaptations that you might not have gleaned yourself. She does this for each card in the deck as you can see above. 

Honestly, there were things I hadn’t caught even after working with these cards daily for years. 

As you can see above in the Hanged Man card, she details all the runes she included in the artwork to provide depth to the meaning of that card showing up in our spreads. I love knowing more about her vision in the creation process. It has helped me with my readings since receiving this guidebook.

I fully appreciated the behind the scenes look at the creation of the deck and the personal stories shared by Chris-Anne since I am such a big fan of hers and her creations—like the story she shared of how the Queen of Pentacles (which just happens to be my signifier card as a Capricorn) helped guide her through the creation of the deck with the mantra: Let it be healing. 

Something I hadn’t put together until she spelled it out in this guidebook is her intentional use of what she calls “points of light” and “rays of energy” that she’s worked into the cards. She notes that if you line up some of the cards that these points of light will often line up perfectly, which adds a nuanced layer of meaning to your readings. This will show us how the energy is flowing between cards.

She says, “They will tell you a story of transformative light that flows between the messages of the cards and can guide you in the direction of your own curative insights.” I’ve noticed the dots but hadn’t realized it was a way for the cards to interact during readings. She has been studying and practicing acupuncture in recent years, and this healing approach has found its way into the cards in such a unique way. I love that she shared that insight with us. I’ll be looking for that flow between cards going forward. I’m all about finding ways to bridge my tarot work and physical healing. That’s what led me to tarot after my health crisis with pancreatitis back in 2015, and I always hunger for more ways to bridge the two.

As you can see in each card layout, Chris-Anne handwrote her personal thoughts and her insights into her creation process as well as the meaning of the symbolism of the artwork that went into each card image. This is a unique personal touch that I quite enjoy. 

For example: Did you ever notice the red dots in the light seer’s hair in the Fool card? Chris-Anne says it represents pomegranate seeds that links to the High Priestess card. And she’s falling into the sacred geometric symbol of the Seed of Life. The vibrating strings of light are drawing the Fool to her future as she carries her amethyst companion and staff for protection on this journey. So many details to absorb here. 

And have you ever noticed the tattoo on the Magician’s arm in the Magician card? It’s a tattoo of Metatron’s cube. And the yellow coloring behind him is a golden yellow aura. (shown below). These are creative details that help to infuse the meaning behind these archetypes so that we remember those traits when working with these cards. Since she's shared her vision with us, it will be easier to remember these details when those cards next pop up in a reading for us. 

This deck is just so layered!

In the Star card (shown below), Chris-Anne drew a mandala toward the bottom of the card to show this figure is manifesting joy and magic. She also added a pool of water just under the figure representing her subconscious mind, intuition, healing abilities, and to highlight the saying, "As above, so below." Her wishes are spiraling up as she holds on to the string tethering her to her guides and cosmic support, reminding her that she isn't on this journey alone. We are all connected and supported on this path even when we can't see those holding us up. But we sure can feel them. 

In this card's description, Chris-Anne explains that this light seer has emerged from the chaos of the Tower to find renewed hope in the Star. As she glances up at the sky, she remembers who she is and where she came from and most importantly what she came here to do. Her soul is reawakening as she remembers it all. 

"Hopeful and expectant, she tugs on her light and watches as her miracle starts to flow."

Throughout her creation process, Chris-Anne challenged herself to represent both light and shadow by finding ways to “allow people to see their shadow in new ways, to illuminate weaknesses gently, and to help each of us integrate our shadow selves while leaving space for light.”

What's new!

If you have the guidebook from the Indie version of the Light Seers Tarot, then the meanings, keywords, and messages from each card will be very similar. Those descriptions and meanings were reduced for size from the indie guidebook to the Hay House mass market version. The spreads for each of the 22 major arcanas are new (shown below), and she includes 10 custom spreads at the beginning of the guidebook. In her indie version there were just 5. So 5 of those are brand new, which means there are 27 new spreads in this book compared to her previous versions. 

Much of her insights into the creative process when making the cards and explaining the symbolism used in her art is all new along with full colored versions of the card images. She includes new healing insights for each major arcana card where she includes health and psychological symptoms and conditions that can be associated with that card. I LOVE this new aspect!

For example: Healing with the Star - psychological and emotional breakdowns, disassociation, bladder issues, fluids and filtration problems, water retention, reproductive health, depression, fatigue, loss of faith, creative blocks, and feeling motivated. These descriptions for each of the major arcana cards help us associate the cards with specific emotional blocks, psychological conditions, and physical health which will aid in our healing of these issues.

Also new: She also included a Runes cheat sheet (shown above), a Tarot Landscapes cheat sheet (showing what each landscape represents in the cards like the castles, cities, rivers, etc.), and a Major Arcana Correspondences Section—pairing astrology, elements, runes, music, and body/healing messages for each major arcana card. Shown below. 

This is such a great resource book for beginner and advanced readers!

If you purchased the mass market version, this new expanded guidebook is an absolute must! 

It will have way more content for you! Even if you have the indie version, this larger, expanded, full color version is so much more appealing. And I love that it is large enough to lay flat on my desk as I read versus having to hold the smaller guidebooks open while I take notes, which is always a pain. This hardback is just a much more enjoyable experience. For the price of $25 it's a no-brainer for me. It's so worth it! Honestly, her breakdowns of the meanings behind her art for each drawing, which is brand new, is worth it alone for me. It adds so much depth to my readings now.

I think Chris-Anne is a brilliant artist and an inspiring spiritual teacher. Both her Light Seers Tarot and her genius Sacred Creators Oracle are brimming with SO much insight and helpful guidance for light workers that I owe her so much due to all the advice she’s given to me through the years from working with these two decks (usually together).

The Light Seers Tarot is the only deck I have multiple copies of. I have the original indie version (including the original 10 of Swords YAY), the mass market version by Hay house that I use daily, and the pocket tarot version also by Hay House that I take on the go. This way I’m never out of reach of this gorgeous deck. That’s why it’s easy for me to say it’s my soul deck. I just can’t get enough of it. And I’m sure I never will. 

And how cute is it that Chris-Anne calls herself a “deck mom.” 

Hearing more about her creation process, I’ve grown to love her even more and to respect her as an intuitive artist who obviously channels so much of her art from the other side as she says. I appreciate her as a lightworker and guide for me personally on my healing journey when I need to seek out the light more than ever!

Grab your copy of this STUNNING expanded guidebook to elevate your tarot readings with the Light Seers Tarot here. It has amplified the already brilliant readings I get with this all-time favorite deck of mine. Highly recommend - Top notch! A perfect gift for any tarot enthusiast, especially if they already own and love the Light Seers Tarot.  Hay House released this beauty in late October 2024. The hardback (which I highly recommend) is $24.99 on Amazon (it's on sale for $20.63 on amazon today). There's also a kindle version ($14.99) and audiobook version.

Purchase the full size Light Seers Tarot here and the pocket version here and the Sacred Creators Oracle here

About the creator

Chris-Anne Donnelly is a deck creator, artist, and magic-maker, as well as a marketing strategist. She offers unique courses for creators that combine marketing and branding with manifestation and intuition. She successfully Kickstarted three independent card decks—The Light Seer's Tarot, The Muse Tarot, and The Sacred Creators Oracle—followed by The Tarot of Curious Creatures, all now available through Hay House. To learn more, visit her at chris-anne.com or follow her on Instagram @pixiecurio.

FTC Disclosure: In accordance with Title 16 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 255, “Guides Concerning Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising,” I received the Tarot for Light Seers: A Journey Through the Symbols, Messages, & Secrets of the Cards from Hay House for prospective review. Everything I’ve said here is sincere and accurately reflects my opinion of this book.

All links provided are my affiliate links and I receive a small commission. Thank you for helping to support my blog by using these links.

My Novels

Check out The Divining Sisters Series here.

If you're looking for a good witchy book check out my fictional divination book series, The Divining Sisters. Start with book 1 in the series, The Call of the Cards, and then catch up on the rest of the series: book 2, We Divine Three book 3, The Threads of Fate, and book 4, The Unbinding

Now that all 4 books in the series are out, binge the series! They're available as eBooks and paperbacks on Amazon. And the eBooks are also on Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, Google Play, Kobo, Everand, Hoopla, Smash words, and more. The eBooks are just $4.99. Find out more details on my novels on my author website author.heatherhardison.com - where I post updates on book releases, video book trailers, book blurbs and quotes, as well as fun things like my Spotify playlists for each book. I carefully curate those to express the energy of each book.

This series follows a group of women (witches, healers, diviners) who reincarnate lifetime after lifetime and reunite with their coven so they can fulfill a mission of keeping their craft of divination, healing, and magic alive for future generations. 

Book Blurb for Book 1: The Call of the Cards 

Alexandra Steele, a clinical psychologist, stumbles upon a mystical store in downtown, Memphis, TN, where she encounters tarot cards for the first time. She doesn't realize it at the time, but this simple encounter will leave her life forever changed as she uncovers a world of past life connections to the cards and the craft of divination. This sparks an awakening that opens door after door of a long line of mystic and witch incarnations that run throughout her history. As she reconnects to these deep mystical ties, she begins to learn about her destiny, which is revealed as she starts to encounter coven sisters and foes from previous incarnations. Will her tendency to hide in the shadows and play small continue to hold her back or will the call of the cards lure her onto her destined path of a life full of magic and sisterhood?

Readers are raving about the series like these 5 star amazon and google play reviews 

"Absolutely Unique! Resonated so much!" 

"Life-changing. I felt seen. I don't think I've had this experience with any other book."

“The metaphysical series I've been waiting for! I was hooked from the beginning and even found myself slowing down because I want it to last. The characters are so relatable and genuine, and the explanations of tarot readings and past life stories is spot on! I'm eagerly awaiting the next ones. Please please, Heather, keep writing.” 

Readers call it "Harry Potter for adults."

If you get a copy, please leave a book review on whatever platform you buy it on if you enjoy it. That really helps me out and can help get my book in front of more readers. And if you love it please also review it on goodreads. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll see updates on the book releases there. I have 2 instagram accounts My tarot and podcast account - healingthrutarot My author account heatherhardisonauthor

Watch the book trailer for The Divining Sisters Series

Writual Discount For You!

Use my Writual ambassador link here to generate a unique discount code just for you, which gets you 15% off ALL your Writual purchases when you check out. Order your 2025 Writual Tarot Planner today – already available for shipping. Writual has tarot stamps and stickers, dated and undated tarot journals and planners, including one for kids, tarot decks and tarot-themed mugs, candles, and jewelry so check them out using my link!

Healing Thru Tarot's Spread Ebook Line

A Spread for All Seasons - 17 custom spreads

Healing and Mental Health Spreads Vol. 1 - 15 custom spreads

Healing and Mental Health Spreads Vol. 2- 15 9-card spreads

Shadow Work Spreads and Workbook - 20 spreads

Healing Thru Tarot’s Life Path and Life Purpose spread ebook includes 15 custom spreads I’ve created to help you identify and align with your life path and sail to success. Spreads like the life path alignment spread, lightwork path guidance spread, conquering obstacles on my path spread, advice from my future self-spread and karmic healing path spread will help you position yourself to step into your full power and achieve the purpose you incarnated to fulfill. Plus many more spreads offering guidance and advice to get on path and stay on track. $12

Click here to purchase any of these spread ebooks

Healing Thru Tarot Podcast

Catch new episodes of my podcast, Healing Thru Tarot, dropping this autumn and winter. Check it out here

I draw on my experience as a clinical psychologist and divination enthusiast to chronicle my personal tarot journey in this podcast where I offer tips to help you start your own tarot journey for emotional healing, personal development, or increasing intuition along with tips on resources, spreads, and unique ways to apply tarot in a modern lifestyle. Whether you are beginning your tarot journey or want to discover ways to deepen your connection with the cards, this podcast is for YOU.