Healing Thru Tarot

Book an intuitive reading today!

Healing messages that guide you back to your soul's path so you can live purposefully. Contact: healingthrutarot@gmail.com

I am a Clinical Psychologist of 15 years with an interest in merging tarot/oracle messages and psychological insights to help you heal through inspired and encouraging messages from the universe. I'm here to answer any questions you have about career, life purpose, or your soul's plan and offer guidance to help you align with the path that serves your higher good. I find that tarot can help you heal from past wounds and help you find your way back to your soul's joy. It's a gift for your soul and can help unlock potential that has been blocked by decades of emotional baggage you may not even be aware exists. A successful and healing intuitive reading can leave you feeling lighter and freer while also igniting passions you had lost touch with years ago. Find your way back to yourself!

I use tarot and oracle more for emotional healing and personal growth than prediction. My tarot practice focuses on how to help you with personal development, how to manifest the goals you set, delivering soul messages and offering intuitive guidance to help you plan your way forward through healing on all levels.

While I do use my psychological knowledge and experience in all of my intuitive readings, it is not a substitute for psychological treatment/intervention with a licensed psychologist. These readings are meant to work together with any psychological, medical or holistic interventions you may be currently utilizing to address any ongoing psychological or medical issues. Through intuitive readings we are unearthing emotional truths that have been buried for long periods of time or never realized consciously. To get the most out of your intuitive reading. I suggest meditating on the messages given to you and using this as a jumping off point to dive further into these insights. By contemplating on the messages that come through for you, further answers may be revealed to you and could unfold over the next several months to a year. I encourage you to review your written readings multiple times and take additional notes on any thoughts that come to you. This process can be emotionally healing and can help you move forward in areas where you may have felt blocked or stagnant for years. I'm excited to be a part of that journey with you.

Follow me on Instagram @healingthrutarot
Email: healingthrutarot@gmail.com

Check It Out!

Healing Thru Tarot Podcast

Podcast can be streamed on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Radio Public, Pandora, etc. Links to podcast episodes under podcast tab at the top of this website.

  •  6/25/2023 06:55 PM

Ebook contains 15 custom spreads to help you identify and align with your life path and sail to success. These spreads will help you position yourself to step into your full power and achieve the purpose you incarnated to fulfill. Available in PDF format.

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  •  10/3/2022 03:28 PM

Ebook contains 20 custom shadow work spreads that guide you through diving into your shadow, identifying and neutralizing triggers, and integrating your shadow aspects into a whole, healthy version of yourself where you can tap into your greatest potential and live a more authentic life.

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  •  2/4/2022 07:49 PM

Healing Thru Tarot's Healing and Mental Health Spread Ebook Vol. 2 contains 15 - 9 card custom spreads centered around healing and mental health issues including mastering anxiety, managing depression, inner child healing, body healing, restoring balance, reparenting yourself, ancestral karma clearing, and more. Complement to Vol. 1 ebook but can stand alone. Click to see full list of the 15 custom spreads included and to purchase this spread ebook to start your healing thru tarot journey.

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  •  7/9/2021 03:24 AM

This tarot/oracle spread ebook is designed to guide you through the healing work needed to heal old wounds and step into brand new energy of empowerment. Vol. 1 contains a spread for family healing, wound healing, as well as spreads for self-care, blind spots, empowerment, how to step into your full potential, a way back to self-spread, and much more. Click to see full list of the 15 custom spreads included and to purchase this spread ebook to start your healing thru tarot journey.

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  •  8/26/2020 12:00 AM

This 2nd edition of this spread ebook contains 17 custom tarot/oracle spreads designed to guide you through the seasons of any year. It covers holidays, a new 9 card birthday spread, full and new moons, mercury retrogrades, seasonal spreads, year end and year ahead spreads, and eclipses with weekly and monthly spreads that you can reuse again and again, year after year.

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Start the Divining Sisters Series today! All 4 books in the series are out now and complete.
The Call of the Cards - Book 1
We Divine Three - Book 2
The Threads of Fate - Book 3
The Unbinding - Book 4 just released 6-18-24

Start this magical/mystical series today! The eBooks are on all these outlets: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, Google Play, Kobo, Everand (formerly Scribd), Smashwords, and more. Paperbacks are on Amazon.

Follow me on these social media accounts where I post updates on all book releases:
healingthrutarot - Instagram account
heatherhardisonauthor - Instagram account
The Divining Sisters Series - Facebook page

All details for all my novels and the book releases, book blurbs, video book trailers, artwork, interviews, podcast episodes where I read book excerpts, and Spotify playlists curated for each book can be found on my author website author.heatherhardison.com 
Novels image
Book 4 in The Divining Sisters Series - The Unbinding released 6-18-24

This completes the series in the modern day timeline so if you were waiting to start the series, now's the perfect time to start and binge their story. Start the series with Book 1: The Call of the Cards

Universal link to order on your preferred platform - Amazon, Apple books, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Everand (formerly Scribd), Google Play, Smashwords, and more.

The Divining Sisters is a fictional divination series that follows a group of women who are witches, healers, and diviners in multiple lives, and they reincarnate lifetime after lifetime to reunite with their coven so they can fulfill a mission of keeping their craft of divination, healing, and magic alive for future generations. The series focuses on reconnecting with past-life gifts, sisterhood, empowerment through facing fears, & learning to step out of the shadows to embrace their intuitive gifts that help them not only heal themselves but each other.

Read the book blurb on author.heatherhardison.com

Order the eBook here on Amazon and here on other platforms
Order the paperback on Amazon here

Ebooks are just $4.99; Paperback for Book 4 $15.99

The Unbinding: The Divining Sisters Book 4 out now! image


17 Tarot and Oracle Card Spread to identify blocks to your current goals, insights into the roots of those blocks, and specific steps to take to breakthrough what is holding you back in order to make progress going forward.

Decks used for this spread: The Light Seers Tarot, Wild Unknown Animal Spirit, Postcards from the Liminal Space, Sacred Creators Oracle, Wild Unknown Tarot, Wild Unknown Archetypes to identify which archetypes to embody to overcome these blocks.

An example of this spread is shown here.

Book yours now in the Book A Reading Section below on this website: healingthrutarot.com

Customized Intuitive Spread

  • Customized spread for your specific needs that may not fit the other reading options using multiple tarot and oracle decks. This is my preferred method as it provides thorough guidance on what changes to implement and specific areas to improve (15+ cards).

Break Through Your Blocks Spread

  • Identifies blocks to your current goals, insights into the roots of those blocks, and specific steps to take to break through what is holding you back in order to make progress going forward (17 tarot and oracle cards)

Year ahead Tarot Spread (Perfect for New Year or Your Birthday)

  • This spread includes 1 tarot card for each month for the upcoming year and 1 card for the overall energy of the year as well as 1 oracle card for each season giving you an overview of all the energies, themes and life lessons you will encounter throughout the year. Can be completed any time of the year (17 cards).

Heart of the Matter Spread

  • Great choice for healing spreads for emotional wounds, guidance on career, life purpose or path using multiple tarot and oracle decks to give you insightful messages and direction (12-14 cards).

Celtic Cross Tarot Spread - for simple questions only!

  • This reading includes my version of the Tarot Celtic Cross Spread (11 tarot cards & 1 oracle card) to give a snap shot of any topic or situation or to help give guidance in any area (quick and dirty reading).

Book a Reading

For any questions, contact me via email at healingthrutarot@gmail.com

I provide detailed email intuitive soul readings which include both tarot and oracle cards. You will receive photos of your reading spreads along with card meanings, interpretations and messages for you. It is typical practice for me to have your reading completed in 10-14 work days (excluding weekends) from the date of purchase. I will contact you immediately if I’m running behind that schedule. In order to book a reading, review the readings offered section of this page to choose the type of reading that you would like to request. Then click on the button below which will take you to an online intake form. You will be asked to fill out the type of reading you want to purchase and list your questions or topics to be focused on in the reading. Once you submit that online form, I will review it and send an invoice via paypal for the fee for that reading to the email you provide. Once I receive your payment, I will get started on slinging cards for you! If you are not sure the type of reading to pick, email me and I can help you decide! If you have any issues filling out the online form, just email me. When forming questions for the tarot and oracle please consider that yes or no questions place limitations on the responses and choices. It is best to ask more open ended questions. Options for framing more open-ended questions: "I am seeking insight about..." "What life lessons are significant for me to learn in this situation?" “What guidance and direction would help me navigate…” "How can I have a better chance of...." 1 Question per paid reading please!

Looking for my political tarot readings?
Those are housed on Substack - link below

Please note: The information contained on healingthrutarot.com is not a substitute for consulting a mental health care professional. All information included herein, including information relating to physical, mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual health, is for entertainment purposes only. While I utilize my psychological knowledge and background in everything I do in life, I am not acting in the role of a psychologist when offering intuitive readings, blogging or podcasting. Seek professional help for psychological and emotional issues as they arise. By using this site & purchasing any readings, you agree to these terms.

This website includes materials protected by intellectual property laws, including but not limited to written text, photos, videos, art and graphics. You may view, download, print, email and use materials from this website for personal, noncommercial purposes only. You may not republish, reproduce, duplicate, copy, display, distribute or otherwise use any material from this website for commercial purposes. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of any materials found on this website shall constitute infringement.

Decks used in photos on this site include: The Earthly Souls and Spirits Oracle by Terri Foss, The Oracle Of Echoes by Ana Tourian, The Light Seers Tarot and Sacred Creators Oracle by Chris Anne Donnelly, The Dark Mansion Tarot by Taroteca, Magick and Mediums Oracle by Anielle Reid and Ash-Coloured, The Wild Unknown Tarot, The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Oracle and The Wild Unknown Archetypes by Kim Krans, The Spirited Animal Oracle, Wisdom of the Oracle and Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid, The Pythia Botanica Oracle by Leila and Olive, The Prisma Visions and Visions Tarot by James Eads, The Original Rider Waite Smith Deck, The Angel Tarot, Goddess Guidance Oracle and Archangel cards by Doreen Virtue, The Lightworker Oracle by Alaina Fairchild, The Everyday Witch by Deborah Blake and Elizabeth Alba, Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Salerno, Divine Feminine Oracle Guidebook by Meggan Watterson, Chakra Reading Cards by Rachelle Charman, The Halloween Oracle by Stacey Demarco and Jimmy Manton, Women's Bodies Women's Wisdom by Christiane Northrup, MD., Self-Care Cards by Cheryl Richardson, Psycards by Nick Hobson, Power of Surrender Cards by Judith Orloff, Fool's Wisdom Oracle Cards by Sonia Choquette, Moonology Oracle Cards by Yasmin Boland, Miracles Now by Gabrielle Bernstein, The Abundance of the Universe by Mike Dooley, and The Winter Waite by James Abrams and Christine R Aguiar.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, and if the decks, books, and planners are on Amazon I include amazon affiliate links to those products on my blogs and podcasts.